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about me

I am Jules Dwyer, a Hypnotherapist, Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT) Practitioner and Founder of Jules Dwyer Therapy & Coaching.

I created Jules Dwyer Therapy & Coaching to support women to find healing and freedom and become the best version of themselves by tapping into the phenomenal power of their subconscious mind.

With studies in psychology, my fascination with how the mind works led me to supporting vulnerable children and families experiencing trauma and hardship, and later on leading and coaching individuals and teams in senior management roles to deliver services for people in our communities who need it most.

I believe healing starts from within – everyone has the ​power to transform their mind and wellbeing.“

Jules Dwyer

After experiencing many years of IVF, struggling with fertility issues and trying to find the ​right support at one of the most challenging times in my life, I discovered RTT. Inspired by ​the transformational power of RTT, I became a certified Hypnotherapist and RTT Practitioner ​and have since helped women across the world to break down their limiting beliefs, overcome ​their subconscious blocks and transform to be the best, empowered version of themselves.

I believe healing starts from within – everyone has the power to transform their mind and wellbeing. A session with me will have you feeling empathy, attunement and support through the power of hypnotherapy and RTT. I help you to tap into your subconscious mind to understand the root cause, meaning and beliefs you formed holding you back and then use powerful suggestions to reframe and let it go - for good.

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Rapid Transformational Therapy

Hypnosis is a way of directly accessing the subconscious mind so you can understand what is running your unwanted behaviours and then become free of them, through a process of suggestion that bypasses the conscious mind and the critical factor, allowing the mind to accept a suggestion it would previously have not accepted.

RTT, Rapid Transformational Therapy, is an award winning, powerful, innovative therapy that gets to the root cause of why we may feel stuck or blocked. It is a simple and effective hybrid method created by world renowned Marisa Peer, that utilises hypnotherapy, psychotherapy, cognitive behavioural therapy and neuro-linguistic programming to bring out the best in you, permanently.

RTT works with the subconscious mind through hypnosis, a natural state of inward focus, which gives your mind more control. It gets to the root cause of an issue and helps you change perceptions and thoughts, teaching you how to communicate with your subconscious mind but also directly accessing and fixing whatever blocks may be there to form lasting change.

What happens during a hypnotherapy session?

When you are hypnotised, you are in a deep state of relaxation. You are fully in control and aware of what is happening. Together, we revisit scenes from your past to find the reason, root and cause for your current issue, understand how it is holding you back today and reprogram your mind to eradicate these old beliefs and install new, powerful positive beliefs to help you heal and find new found freedom and power.

Each RTT session comes with a personalised hypnosis recording to be used post-session to help you create new thoughts, habits, and behaviours for fast, effective, long-term change and freedom.

For more information please see the video below where Marisa Peer herself explains how Rapid Transformational Therapy was developed and how it can benefit you.

How can RTT help me?

RTT is incredibly powerful to heal a range of physical and emotional issues. I help women find healing and freedom to become the best version of themselves by tapping into the phenomenal power of their subconscious mind and have a particular interest in:

1. Preconception

2. Pregnancy, birth and postpartum

3. Fertility issues (including IVF/ICSI, IUI, donor conception)

4. Miscarriage, grief and loss

5. Unresolved trauma

6. Stress, anxiety and depression

7. Confidence/self esteem

8. Motivation/procrastination

9. Life purpose/career

10. Relationships and dating

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I saw Jules for an RTT session as I wanted to feel more ​peace around my fertility journey.

The results I experienced are remarkable. The prep ​session we held together beforehand where I shared ​my journey and feelings openly for the first time in a ​long time was cathartic. I really appreciated how Jules ​understood my trauma and held space for me as I ​worked through it.

During the RTT session I was able to be fully present ​and let the inner voice speak separately from "me." I ​also had a very powerful connection with my past that ​unlocked a key part of the wound in a very unexpected ​way.

Since completing the 21 days I feel the peace and ease ​I was hoping for. The heaviness is gone and I feel sad ​for how much pain my past self thought she needed to ​stay in. I can talk about my experience without it being ​negative and overwhelming. It opened up a new ​relationship with my babies (not in this realm) that ​brings tears of joy to my life with gratitude.

Jules was an absolute delight to work with. Her ​empathy, support, gentle guidance, insights and tools ​were just what I needed to work through my past. I ​look forward to working with her again.

Colleen , USA

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I am very grateful that I connected with Jules through an IVF Hypnotherapy session. After three unsuccessful rounds of IVF, I had started to lose hope and was looking to try something new to help myself mentally survive the next round of IVF.

From initially meeting Jules, she was kind, thoughtful and reassuring from the onset. She made me feel at ease through the process and regularly checked in with me after the Hypnotherapy session. The ease of having the sessions through zoom, also allowed me to be relaxed and in an environment that I am comfortable with.

I feel so confident and refreshed going into my next round of IVF and I thank Jules for all her support throughout this whole process.

Lisa, Australia

let’s work together

Want to know more?

Schedule a FREE 15 minute no commitment, confidential strategy call to ​understand more about RTT and how we can work together so I can help ​you transform your mind and life.

Ready to transform?

Working with me is a holistic, personalised and supportive approach. I will be ​with you every step of the way, before, during and after a session.

I create a safe space for you to get to the root cause of your issue, empower ​you understand your limiting beliefs and rewire your mind to create healing ​and freedom.

Booking one session with me includes a transformational bespoke package ​of support over 28 days.

If you are ready to jump into your journey of healing and transformation - ​book in your initial consultation!


All sessions are held via zoom and during Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST).

Online sessions are just as effective as in-person sessions and of high quality. I find most clients prefer to be in the comfort of their own space for the session and it can be done from anywhere in the world!

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My RTT session with Jules was fantastic.

I had a profound realisation during the session and ​again a few days after that helped me to clearly ​see what I didn’t see before. I experienced a very ​intense physical release after the regression that ​made me feel lighter and my beliefs around ​success and finance have definitely shifted due to ​that.

The recording Jules made for me is great. Her voice ​is very easy to follow and the words she has chosen ​for my transformation are really sinking in. I love ​my ritual of putting my headphones on and listen ​to that recording every day.

Svenja, Australia

Woman in Black Spaghetti Strap Top Meditating
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I saw Jules to help my anxiety triggers, develop ​coping mechanisms for dealing with stress.and ​with confidence and self-belief.

From the moment I met Jules, I felt sense of trust ​and reassurance. Jules was warm, compassionate, ​and understanding. She took the time to listen, ask ​the right questions and made it easy for me to feel ​comfortable and open up. She has a very calming ​energy and since the sessions I have loved listening ​to her recording every night before I go to bed.

I was amazed at the results of my first ​hypnotherapy session and I felt calmer and more ​relaxed than I had in years.

I am so grateful to Jules for helping me make ​positive changes to my life and to change ​something that had been bothering me for some ​time. Hypnotherapy has helped me on the right ​path of self discovery and healing.

If you are struggling with work stress, anxiety, I ​highly recommend hypnotherapy. It is a safe, ​effective, and life-changing treatment.

Alice, Australia

contact me

Ready to schedule an appointment?

Simply select the session type you’d like to book below and select an available date and time that you prefer.

If you have any questions you can email me or message me on Instagram

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ABN 14 890 449 876

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